In all this letter there is no distinction between the law abiding and lawbreaking sections of the community.It is not chester benningtons wife denied that for fifteen years he served the Railway Company faithfully.Quite apart from all questions of morals, the money interests of the Company are those of the country, and the liquor business does not promote the business of the country.Smith, and nearly batter his life out, but it is a poor way to make friends of peaceful citizens.Their effort is chester benningtons wife in every way honorable to attract their own line, and it is past belief that they should play into the hands of the Grand Trunk and other competing lines in any such manner as the accusation, if proved, would mean.If both employees interested in the Sutton matter had been dismissed, I could see that there was an honest effort on the part of the Company to do justly, but as it is I can only see underneath all this the intention of the Company to favor the lawbreakers of Brome and liquor interests generally at the expense of the temperance and Christian community.Mr chester benningtons wife.I would like to assure him that he does not stand alone, that there are many others who feel just as strongly.Smith or chester benningtons wife any individual.Shaw Without giving names, let me state what I have learned directly affecting the moneyed interests of the C.If my views are wrong, and anyone will do me the kindness to correct them, chester benningtons wife I shall owe him a debt of gratitude for I am exceedingly loath to believe such things of the management of our noble Canadian Pacific Railway.He preferred to coperate with the rum traffic to become its tool.In the first place the Company declares that it so values the custom of the liquor men of Brome, that chester benningtons wife it can afford for their sake to boycott the advocates of temperance and the enforcers of law.Smith worked, was not moved by such consideration, a mere sentimental consideration he would probably call it.