The lesson which he learned by the experiment was this, that one or two prizes will not influence the majority of a large school.Appropriate particular times at which all this execute command line business is to be done, and forbid it altogether at every other time.This plan may possibly be admissible in a very small school, that is, in one of ten or twelve pupils.I once knew the teacher of execute command line a school who made it his custom to have writing attended to in the afternoon.It is so with all the other employments in life.Let us suppose that some teacher, who has been accustomed to require his pupils to ask and obtain permission every time they wish to speak to a companion, is induced by these remarks execute command line to introduce this plan.He did not reprove those who were writing carelessly he simply noticed who and how many they were.One is like the officer, driving by vociferations, and threats, and demonstrations of violence, execute command line the spectators from the galleries.If the one who presides in it sees it in its true light studies the nature and tendency of the minds which he has to control adapts his plans and his measures to the laws of human nature, and endeavors to accomplish his purposes for them, not by mere labor and force, but by ingenuity and enterprise, he will take pleasure in administering his little government.And, in a large and complicated school, the endless multiplicity and variety of objects of attention and care impose a task under which few intellects can long execute command line stand.The obvious remedy was to multiply his prizes, so as to bring one of them within the reach of all.The whole difficulty was removed by a execute command line very simple plan.