Rollo began to be alarmed.Jonas! average home prices california who is Jonas? and what do you think I care for Jonas? said he.gutenberg.It is easier forget a sin, than to be average home prices california sorry for it.His father carried him back to where his mother and uncle were, who were coming towards him looking anxiously.You have disobeyed, average home prices california to day, in two ways, in which boys are very apt to disobey, when they do not mean to do it wilfully.Rollo's conscience reproved him for not leaving them, and going back to his father but he wanted to stay and hear their talk, and he quieted his conscience by saying to himself that his father told him to treat them civilly.He felt the truth and justice of the distinction but, like all boys who are not sorry for average home prices california the wrong they have done, he could not resist the temptation to try to justify himself by throwing the blame on others.All this Rollo was silly enough to believe, and, as his father only required him to keep in sight, he thought he would show the boys that he was not so much afraid as they thought he was and so hi gradually moved off farther and farther from his parents, as he went on gradually filling up his basket.O, we hid him behind a average home prices california stone, down at the foot of the mountain, where our horses are tied.The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation (the Foundation or PGLAF), owns a compilation copyright in the collection of Project Gutenberg tm electronic works.He came up to Rollo, and began to pull his basket average home prices california away from him.