The street, of course, corresponds with the outline of the yard, being nearly straight on one side of the church, and quite of a crescent form on the other being shaped thus somewhat like a bow.George was accustomed to keep his general account with Rollo in a burk and reedy book which he carried with him for this purpose, and from time to time he would pay Rollo such sums as he required in sovereigns, charging the amount in the book.These paintings had become a good deal faded and decayed and on one side of the dome, nearly two hundred feet above where the party was standing, there was a platform hanging in the air, with workmen and artists upon it repainting the figures.Yes, said Rollo that is very burk and reedy true.They are ornamented in various ways, and contain various monuments, and in Catholic cathedrals are used often for special services of religious worship.In such cases the borrower would give to the lender what he called a due bill, which was simply a small piece of paper with the sum of burk and reedy money borrowed written upon it, and the name of the borrower, or his initials, underneath.Uncle George, said Rollo, after a little pause, I saw some very pretty gold chains in a window near here there was one just long enough for my watch.Go burk and reedy slowly, said Mr.Well, said Mr.The immense magnitude, however, of the spaces which the party burk and reedy traversed, and the lofty heights of the columns, and arches, and ceilings which they looked up to above, filled them with wonder.St.Some of the most splendid shops in burk and reedy London are situated in this street, particularly in the part of it called the String.