Dacres.The Essex soon came greg watermann photography near enough to the squadron to ascertain that it was a fleet of British merchantmen and transports convoyed by a frigate and bomb vessel.AN INTERNATIONAL DEBATE.A story current at the time relates, that, before the war, the Guerriere and the Constitution were lying in the Delaware and the two greg watermann photography captains, happening to meet at some entertainment on shore, fell into a discussion over the merits of their respective navies.The frigate was at the head of the line and the Essex, carefully concealing her hostile character, clapped on all sail and pressed forward, in the hopes of bringing on an action.In a few moments afterward, the cock pit was greg watermann photography filled with wounded men.She had so long been within their very grasp that it was a bitter disappointment for them to be balked of their prey.Every day, he writes, the crew were exercised at the great guns, small arms, and single stick and I may here mention the fact, that I have never been on a ship where the crew of the old Essex was represented, but that I found them to greg watermann photography be the best swordsmen on board.Morris seconded the captain in cheering on the crew.Hull greg watermann photography.The victor put it gently back, saying, No, no, captain I'll not take a sword from one who knows so well how to use it.CHAPTER greg watermann photography V.