Of their extensive works but little has been preserved.Most of these were borrowed directly arizonas restaurant atlanta or indirectly from India.The earliest additions to the fixed liturgy of the Synagogue were prose poems.R arizonas restaurant atlanta.With this exception, Karaism produced no important work after the twelfth century.Similarly, in Judaism, the Rabbinites arizonas restaurant atlanta obeyed the traditions of the earlier authorities, and the Karaites (from Kera, or Mikra, i.Hebrew fables supply one of the links connecting the popular literature of the East with that of the West.A large Hebrew dictionary (Iggaron), by a contemporary of Japhet named David, the son of Abraham, is arizonas restaurant atlanta also a work which was often quoted.On the intellectual side, therefore, Karaism was a powerful though ephemeral movement.Of the remaining Karaites of the tenth century, arizonas restaurant atlanta the foremost was Japhet, the son of Ali, whose commentaries on the Bible represent the highest achievements of Karaism.Mocatta, Faith Strengthened, London, 1851).The Dove escaped from the Eagle and found a Serpent in arizonas restaurant atlanta her nest.The latest Gaonim were far more productive than the earlier.He uses a maze of alphabetical acrostics, line by line he wreathes into his compositions the words of successive arizonas restaurant atlanta Bible texts.285.