The dead were to be buried, the wounded to be nursed, damages to be repaired, and a new supply of provisions to be obtained.And they learned, through some wanderer in the wilderness, that the main village of that tribe blockbuster new release was at the distance of but a few miles from them.It was deemed necessary to proceed with the utmost caution.They blockbuster new release were to go into the prairie, shoot the game and bring it in.Most humiliating of all, they had, without firing a shot, captured all the animals of the garrison and the trappers at Fort Hall.It was blockbuster new release midsummer.It was not improbable that, through their scouts, they had gained intimation of the approach of the trappers.There were runnings to and fro, driving in the animals blockbuster new release from their pasturage, saddling and packing them, and sundry other preparations indicative of a general alarm.The ammunition of the trappers was nearly exhausted, and they remitted the energy of their fire, awaiting the arrival of their companions.For three blockbuster new release hours this battle continued.CHAPTER VIII.And it was blockbuster new release most probable that they had robbed and murdered the two men who had been sent to fort Laramie.Every man was prepared, with his loaded rifle and revolver.The great battle, blockbuster new release the Waterloo conflict, now commenced.