CHAPTER XI.Tucker exclaimed, 'How insurance coverage litigation in colorado can you expect quarters while that British flag is flying?' The sad answer came back, 'Our halliards are shot away.Two months later, or in the early part of May, two United States vessels, the Hancock thirty two, Capt.Chase was at once insurance coverage litigation in colorado given and by four o'clock she was near enough for the Americans to see that she was a large ship, and apparently a man of war.He was instructed to find the Hon.In insurance coverage litigation in colorado this running fight the Boston was hopelessly distanced, coming up just in time to fire a gun as the British ensign came fluttering from the peak.Try to open it yourself, came the reply from within, with an accompanying oath.He looked at the row of eager faces on the gun deck, and shouted out, Hold on, my men! I wish to save that egg insurance coverage litigation in colorado without breaking the shell.At that disaster four American frigates were lost so many of the best naval officers were thrown out of employment.An American ensign, closely rolled up, fell on her forecastle, not even singed by the fiery ordeal through which insurance coverage litigation in colorado it had passed.