I regret very much to notice that you have had occasion to refer again to complaints made against me, which you say are numerous, and not only from shippers, but from the public generally.Below are the communication in the workplace article letters enclosed in this communication from Mr.15 to night to take charge during your absence.You will understand by this that you must cease temperance lecturing or taking an active part communication in the workplace article in temperance gatherings or agitation.They demand the whole and entire time of their men, and they are going to have it.11th, communication in the workplace article 1894.DEAR SIR, I have your letter of the 6th inst.Brady's communication in the workplace article words that such rules had been previously applied in the matter of politics.I understand perfectly well that I am no longer pleasant to your taste but I expect fair treatment from the Company, and ask for nothing more.Does not temperance tend to build up the virtues and prosperity of individuals, and thus to increase the general prosperity of the country and add to the success of all useful public communication in the workplace article institutions? Second, how can temperance work create feeling between the Company and its patrons? Surely not all the patrons of the Canadian Pacific Railway are wholesale and illicit liquor sellers? Mr.