There, huddled together in the shallow water, growing ever shallower as the net is raised, the shining fish, hundreds and thousands of them, bushels, barrels, hogsheads of them, flash and flap, as the men prepare to swing them aboard in the dip net.The famous Eddystone and Skerryvore lighthouses, whose triumphs over the sea are related in English verse and story, were easier far to build, for there the foundation rock is above water at every low tide, while at Minot's Ledge the bedrock on which the base of the tower rests is below the level of low tide most examens haute inscription saone of the year.But, while the lightship served for a temporary beacon, a new tower was needed that might send the warning pencil of light far out to sea.The greatest skill and care are necessary on such occasions to keep them apart, and prevent the inevitable consequences of a collision, a general smash up of examens haute inscription saone masts, booms, bulwarks, etc.But save for these momentary interruptions, there is little break in the work.In the United States, the examens haute inscription saone lighthouse system dates only from 1715, when the first edifice of this character was begun at the entrance to Boston harbor.H.Meantime the wind rises, and the sea struggles against the rain, which is endeavoring with its steady patter examens haute inscription saone to subdue the turmoil of old ocean.The term of duty on the rocks is two weeks at the end of each fortnight two happy men go ashore and two grumpy ones come off that is, if the weather permits a landing, for keepers have been stormbound for as long as seven weeks.It is examens haute inscription saone the plan of campaign for the long boat and the dory, each carrying one end of the net, to make a circuit of the school, and envelope as much of it as possible in the folds of the seine.