We have no account of the details of this cruel expedition, but the following graphic description of a similar excursion into the land belonging to the Cherokees, will give one a vivid idea of the nature of these conflicts.We discovered each other commercial estate intensive property real nearly at the same time.Comstock himself opened the deliberations with a speech of great dignity and argumentative power.The rest being nearly surrounded, fled as commercial estate intensive property real best they could in all directions.On March the Twenty eighth, as we were hunting for provisions, we found Samuel Tale's son who gave us an account that the Indians fired on their camp on the twenty seventh day.An army of three thousand men was raised in the commercial estate intensive property real utmost haste.The outer sides of the cabins, together with the palisades, formed the sides of the fort exposed to the foe.The Indians seemed to awake increasingly to the consciousness that the empire of the white man in their country could only commercial estate intensive property real exist upon the ruins of their own.Reinforcements.In a well ordered army for Indian warfare, whose numbers cannot now with certainty be known, they crossed the Ohio, below the mouth commercial estate intensive property real of the Great Kanawha, and marching through the forest, in the rear of the hills, fell by surprise very impetuously upon the rear of the encampment at Point Pleasant.Lord Dunmore returned across the mountains well satisfied with his campaign, though his soldiers were excited almost to mutiny in not being permitted to wreak their vengeance upon the unhappy savages.Making a secret journey to the Cherokee country, he met twelve hundred commercial estate intensive property real chiefs in council, and purchased of them the whole territory, equal to some European kingdoms, bounded by the above mentioned rivers.As these men never went into the forest without the rifle and a supply of ammunition, and as they never lost a bullet by an inaccurate shot, it is not probable that our adventurer suffered from hunger.For thirty days the army employed themselves in burning and ravaging the settlements of the broken commercial estate intensive property real spirited Indians.Here he had a small and fertile farm, which his energetic family had successfully cultivated during the summer, and he spent the winter months in his favorite occupation of hunting in the forests around.