If the first of these documents was remarkable for its optimism, the second might justly be described as a 25 masterpiece of faith pure and undefiled by any contact with sordid facts.Venizelos became an impassioned advocate of the policy of which he had hitherto been an impassioned opponent, autumns monolouge lyrics and he would have us believe that the King, persuaded by his eloquence, authorised him to carry out his new plan.S.But the only circumstances foreseen and provided for by that Treaty relate to war with Bulgaria, and it is a question whether any other interpretation would stand autumns monolouge lyrics before a court of International Law, despite the third Power phrase in the Military Convention.(No.I saw that the autumns monolouge lyrics King became agitated.White Book, Nos.Venizelos, under the impulse of ambition, set his energetic brain to work, and autumns monolouge lyrics within a few hours produced a scheme calculated to correct the absurdity of the British notion, to earn the gratitude of the Entente to himself, and an Asiatic Empire for his country.Another plan had less ambitious aims Servia and Greece by conciliating Bulgaria were to prevent a combination of Rumania, Bulgaria, and Turkey, or of Bulgaria and Turkey, on the side of the Central Powers.The proposal took cognizance of Balkan difficulties and might perhaps have solved them, had it been accepted an advance of the Greek army on Thrace, combined with a naval attack by the British Fleet, early in September, might have settled Turkey, secured Bulgaria's neutrality, if not indeed her co operation, or forced her into a premature declaration of hostility, and decided Rumania to throw autumns monolouge lyrics in her lot with us.Bratiano, while professing the greatest goodwill towards Greece and the Entente, declined to give any such undertaking.Meanwhile autumns monolouge lyrics M.11, 13, 14.