Ah God, that such an irresistible fiend, Pain, in the beautiful housing of man's flesh Should sleep, light as a leopard in its hunger, Beside the heavenly soul and at a wound Leap up to mangle her, the senses' guest! That in God's country heathen men should do This worse than murder on men full of God! Judith.Ay, paint shop photo album deluxe you take it.And now come down braving in God's own land, Pitching the glory of his fearful heaven All night among God's hills.Katrina paint shop photo album deluxe.Marrying? I shall never be married! Grandmother.O Sylvan, drowning? (Deeper than drowning! Why should it paint shop photo album deluxe not be Our hearts need wish only what they delight in?) Sylvan.Ah, when I hear the grief wail'd in the streets, And the same breath their tears nigh strangle, used To brag the God in them inviolate And fighting off the hands of the heathen, Lord, Pardon me that I come so near to scorn Pardon me, soul of mine, that I have loosed The rigour of my mind and leant towards scorn! Friends, wives and husbands, sons and daughters, dead Of plague, famine, and arrows and the houses Battered unsafe by cannonades of stone Hurled in by the Assyrians the town walls Crumbling out of their masonry into mounds Of foolish earth, so smitten by the rams The hunger pangs, the thirst like swallowed lime Forcing them gulp green water maggot quick That lurks in corners of dried cisterns yea, Murders done for a drink of blood, and flesh Sodden of infants and no hope alive Of rescue from this heat of prisoning anguish Until Assyrian swords drown it in death These, and abandoned words like these, I hear Daylong shrill'd and groan'd in the lanes beneath.Out of paint shop photo album deluxe it we Are lifted and henceforward now we are Sailors travelling in a lovely ship, The shining sails of it holding a wind Immortally pleasant, and the malicious sea Smoothed by a keel that cannot come to wreck.Can you? You know full well, in the truth of your heart, That there's no man in all the world of men Whose will woman's beauty cannot divide Easily as a sword cuts jetting water.We're late come along paint shop photo album deluxe home.