Then without any warning whatsoever, the man reached out suddenly and tipped his daughter's face up abruptly into the light.Why why, yes I shouldn't wonder, admitted her centini restaurant calgary father.And my Absent mindedly, one by one, Edgarton handed the articles to her, and then sank down on the foot of her bed with his thin lipped mouth contorted into a rather mirthless grin.You wouldn't rent centini restaurant calgary me your attic! Oh, but I say! grinned Barton.I can't stand it! I tell you I just can't stand it! Take my attic if you want to! Or my cellar! Or my garage! Or anything else of mine in the world that you have any fancy for! But for Heaven's sake With extraordinarily dilated eyes Eve Edgarton stared out at him from her white pillows.Yes, I think perhaps centini restaurant calgary it is reddish, conceded her father.Oh, dear, no! he interrupted himself.How do centini restaurant calgary you do, Mr.And there is no sin existent that a man may not repent of! And there is no honest repentance, Eve, that a wise woman cannot make over into a basic foundation for happiness! But a trait? A congenital tendency? A yellow streak bred in the bone? Why, Eve! If a man loves, I tell you, not woman, but the pursuit of woman? So that wherever he wins he wastes again? So that indeed at last, he wins only to waste? Moving eternally on on on from one ravaged lure to another? Eve! Would I deliver over you your mother's reincarnated body to to such as that? O h, said little Eve Edgarton.After all, Father, she asked, now that we're really talking so intimately, after all there isn't so specially much to life anyway, is there, except just the satisfaction of making the complete round of human experience once for yourself and then once again to show another person? Just that double chance, Father, of getting two original glimpses at happiness? One through your own eyes, and one just a little bit dimmer through the eyes of another? With mercilessly appraising vision the starving Youth that was in her centini restaurant calgary glared up at the satiate Age in him.Oh, no, drawled little Eve Edgarton.Why what an awful dream! deprecated centini restaurant calgary her father.Why why, if it makes you feel like that just to read it, she reproached him mournfully, how do you suppose it makes me feel to have to write it? All you have to do is to read it, she said.In sudden impulsive league with centini restaurant calgary her against this, their apparent common enemy, Age, he thrust the orchids into the older man's astonished hands.