Monsieur Colonel is just about telling you, himself, that he did not intend to be understood as speaking of the interest.What devilish game american league baseball president is that you're playing? said the Colonel, seating himself astride a chair.He set out, when he was twenty, for that Valhalla of German students, where they eat infinite sausages, and drink inexhaustible beer where they sing songs of eight hundred million verses, and gash the tips of each other's noses with huge swords.What shade visited him in this hour of sleep, no other soul has ever known for he kept his dreams to himself, as he did everything that american league baseball president was his.Terror paralyzed her.Prayers, arguments, misrepresentations, flatteries, cringings, glanced off from him like rain american league baseball president from a zinc roof.He was fat, unctuous, and florid, and lived well.At quarter past american league baseball president twelve, he embraced them.He praised the Rhine wine highly, and thanked the Meisers for their hospitality.He reached the station, had his black leather trunk checked, and flung himself american league baseball president down at full length in a first class compartment.CHAPTER XVIII.