They did not know what parsing in writing could be.The whole business of public instruction, if it goes on at all, must go on by the teacher's skill in multiplying his power, dc dining downtown washington by acting on numbers at once.A constant variety, of which these three methods should be the elements, is unquestionably the best mode.In most books on education, we are taught, almost exclusively, how to operate dc dining downtown washington on the individual.The class was, by that single pleasant remark, put into the best possible state, for receiving the criticisms of the teacher.The single replies, coming from individuals specially dc dining downtown washington addressed, are more rigid, and more to be relied upon but they consume a great deal of time, and while one is questioned, it requires much skill, to keep up interest in the rest.If he spells it, the teacher cannot tell whether he is prepared or not.I do not recommend the attempt to teach on so extensive a scale I admit that it dc dining downtown washington is impracticable I only mean to show in what the impracticability consists, namely, in the difficulty of making such arrangements as to derive the full benefit from the instructions rendered.In a great many cases where simultaneous answering is practised, after a short time, the evils above specified are allowed to grow, until at last some half dozen bright members of a class answer for all, the rest dragging after them, echoing their replies, or ceasing to take any interest in an exercise, which brings no personal and individual responsibility upon them.One week he may dictate examples to them, and let them come together to compare dc dining downtown washington their results one of the class being appointed to keep a list of all who are correct, each day.