He is now a useful and a happy man.In college there is not much mercy shown to bad scholars and George had neglected his studies so long that he could not now keep up with his computer old model class, let him try ever so hard.And he has said, that his word is so sacred, that, though heaven and earth should pass away, his word shall not pass away.But what greater proof of love can we have than that which God has given in computer old model the gift of his Son! That you might be saved from sin and ceaseless wo, Jesus came and died.And if it is his will that you should die before the morning, he will take you to heaven, to be happy there.If you do not improve computer old model your time when young, you can neither be useful, nor respected, nor happy.And when a child thinks of the sorrows which his sins have caused the Savior, it does appear to me that he must love that Savior with the most ardent affection.Come, Henry, said computer old model one of them to him, let us go and get some apples.If, when the power of temptation is strong, you will look to him for aid, he will give you strength to resist.But as I have given you one story, which shows the sad effects of indolence, I will now present you with another, more pleasing, which shows the computer old model rewards of industry.I recollect very well that, when tossing up for a game of ball, we used to choose every body on the play ground before we chose George.