The nonjuring separation was a serious and long lasting loss to the Church of England a loss corresponding in kind, if not in degree, to what it might have endured, if by a different turn of political and ecclesiastical circumstances, the most zealous members of the section headed by Tillotson and Burnet had been ejected from its fold.Even the most advanced among cedillo guadalajara javier their leaders proved, by the energy with which they continued the Protestant controversy, how groundless was the charge sometimes brought against them, that they had adopted Popish doctrines.Far different were the feelings of those whose opinions on the subject were less strangely exaggerated.' Perhaps the result might not have been very different, even if the overtures in question had been backed by the authority of the whole Anglican Church a communion which at this period was universally acknowledged as cedillo guadalajara javier the leader of Protestant Christendom.Among the Nonjurors it was further softened by political and social considerations.There has cedillo guadalajara javier been no period in the history of the Reformed English Church in which the three leading varieties of opinion, so familiar to us at the present day, may not be distinctly traced.No one imagines that any possible change of constitutional government would greatly affect the general bias, whatever it might be, of ecclesiastical thought.His cedillo guadalajara javier foolish commonplace appears indeed to have been sufficient to turn the scale., the Church had cause to feel the perils of arbitrary power as keenly, or even more keenly than the nation in its civil capacity.Ken and Beveridge and Kettlewell, and English High Churchmen in cedillo guadalajara javier general, had long regarded that Church with compassion, sympathy, and interest.' It is not the purpose of this chapter to discuss the missionary and other philanthropical activities which at the close of the seventeenth and the opening of the eighteenth centuries resulted in the formation of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and other kindred associations.