Suddenly, upon a false report that King Constantine had fled to Larissa and Venizelos was master at Athens, the demeanour of the Bulgars, which had always been harsh, became thoroughly hostile.Venizelos by the voice of dublin ferry port the electorate.Zaimis, in view of the contingency, imparted to General Sarrail his Government's intention to disarm the forts in Eastern Macedonia, so that he might forestall the Bulgars by occupying them.Zaimis dublin ferry port said that, if M.This project had been communicated by the French Minister at Athens to General Sarrail on 31 May M.But they reckoned dublin ferry port without the partisans of M.The Daily Mail, 24 June, 1916.So he resigned and the fat was once more in the fire and the blaze and the stench were greater than ever for his resignation synchronized with another untoward dublin ferry port event.By accepting this condition, M.Zaimis's deposition on oath at dublin ferry port the judicial investigation instituted by the Venizelos Government in 1919.