William's reign was marked by a long list of new penal laws directed against them.No systematic college of alameda transcript record of the religious history of that period could omit a careful survey of what was said and thought on a topic which absorbed so great an amount of interest.Yet even if the severe judgment passed by contemporary writers upon the spiritual and moral condition of their age may be fairly qualified by some such considerations, it must certainly be allowed that religion and morality were, generally speaking, at a lower ebb than they have been at many other periods.During the five years which elapsed between the forming of the Christian Knowledge Society in 1699, and the first assemblage of the Metropolitan Charity School children in 1704, fifty four schools had started in and about London college of alameda transcript alone and their good work went on increasing.Yet those who disapproved of that system found no illustration more practically effective to illustrate their argument.Some movement in the too still waters was sorely college of alameda transcript needed.Nor should mention be omitted of the provision made by Queen Anne's Bounty for the augmentation of poor livings, many of which had become miserably depauperised.It was bare toleration, accorded to certain college of alameda transcript favoured bodies and there for a long time it ended.By the greater part of the writers of that period all reference to an inward light of spiritual discernment was regarded with utter distrust as an illusion and a snare.The results of their labours were not of a kind to be very perceptible college of alameda transcript on the surface, and are therefore particularly liable to be under estimated.Many incidental remarks, however, which have a direct bearing upon the search into evidences will be found scattered here and there in the course of this work.