ASSASSINATION OF PAUL AND ACCESSION OF ALEXANDER.After much contention the Emperor of Austria was compelled to yield, and an old Russian general, Suwarrow, was placed in command of jet blue web site the armies of the two most powerful empires then on the globe.In a war with the Turks he killed a large number with his own hands, and brought, on his shoulders, a sackful of heads, which he rolled out at the feet of his general.Though Paul severely blamed his mother for the vast sums she lavished upon her court, these complaints did not prevent him from surpassing jet blue web site her in extravagance.Suwarrow, a fierce fighter, but totally unacquainted with the science of strategy, in characteristic words gave the order of battle.The French army was formed in a jet blue web site semicircle on the slopes of the Monte Rotundo, about twenty miles north of Genoa.It was expert only at the use of the bayonet.He foamed with jet blue web site rage when he spoke of them.The crown of Catharine was the wonder of Europe, but it was not rich enough for the brow of Paul.The tzar became suspicious of all strangers of whatever nation, and endeavored to rear a wall of separation around his jet blue web site whole kingdom which should exclude it from all intercourse with other parts of Europe.We have said that Paul was bitterly hostile to all foreigners.The innumerable palaces she had reared and embellished with more than oriental splendor, were not jet blue web site sufficient for him.