LESSONS.Conceive clearly, paint distinctly to your imagination what is described, buffalo bill lamb contemplate facts in all their bearings and relations, and thus endeavor to exercise the judgment and the thinking and reasoning powers, rather than the mere memory, upon the subjects which will come before you.2.They are expected to be present and prepared at buffalo bill lamb the time of recitation, but they make the preparation when it is most convenient.But I shall speak more particularly on this subject under the head of Religious Instruction.MOUNT buffalo bill lamb VERNON SCHOOL.II.The system of offices will be explained in another place but I may say here that all appointments and elections are made in this quarter hour, and by means of the assistance of these officers the transaction of business is so facilitated buffalo bill lamb that much more can sometimes be accomplished than you would suppose possible.To accomplish these objects more effectually, the school is divided into SIX SECTIONS, arranged not according to proficiency in particular studies, as the several classes are, but according to age and general maturity of mind.You will observe too, that by this plan of having a great many classes reciting through the first three hours of the morning, every pupil can be employed as much or as little as buffalo bill lamb her parents please.Sometimes the girls bring their battledoors to school.She ought to correct, through her own influence, any evils of this kind she may find, or else immediately to refer the cases where this cannot be done, to buffalo bill lamb me.4.