A moment more and we would have stolen away, when, as ill luck would have it, the ladder fell with a great crash, and the infernal dog, that a moment before seemed almost in our confidence, set up a howl and then barked loud enough to wake the dead.All this johnnys little rocketship never occurred to me.I went to a public house half a mile below the ferry.Altogether, it was a model johnnys little rocketship institution.RETURN TO SCHEIMER PEACE AND THEN PANDEMONIUM FRIGHTFUL FAMILY ROW RUNNING FOR REFUGE THE GANG AGAIN ARREST AT MIDNIGHT STRUGGLE WITH MY CAPTORS IN JAIL ONCE MORE PUT IN IRONS A HORRIBLE PRISON BREAKING OUT THE DUNGEON SARAH'S BABY CURIOUS COMPROMISES OLD SCHEIMER MY JAILER SIGNING A BOND FREE AGAIN LAST WORDS FROM SARAH.I had not been in the Scheimer johnnys little rocketship family three months before I fell in love with the daughter Sarah and she returned my passion.Warden, said I that's a noble horse of yours but he interferes badly, and that is only because he is badly shod.There was a big dog on the premises, johnnys little rocketship but he and I were old friends, and he seemed very glad to see me when I came on the ground on this eventful night.Now hold on, boys, said I, I am going to say something to her.Oh no, my dear, I replied, now is just the time to wait quietly here and wait we did till eight o'clock, when our pursuers, having gone on a few miles, and having seen or learned nothing of the fugitives, johnnys little rocketship came by again on the back track.Don't be impatient wait a little longer, said my friend.