The English residents in the Dutch colonies were numerous, and they were ripe for revolt.Treat them kindly, so that they may be encouraged to remain there, and to give up air prague tickets honolulu the thought of returning to Holland, which would depopulate the country.To invite them, Governor Stuyvesant said, to aid us, would be bringing the Trojan horse within our walls.Admiral Tromp, rather vain gloriously, placed a broom at his masthead to indicate that he had swept the channel of all English air prague tickets honolulu ships.He arrested the boat's crew, and sent them all to the guard house.It is therefore our express command that you punish what has occurred as it deserves, so that others may be deterred in future, from air prague tickets honolulu following such examples.You will also employ all such means of defence as prudence may require for your security, taking care that the merchants and inhabitants convey their property within the forts.If it should happen, which we will not suppose, that New Englanders incline to take part in these broils, then we air prague tickets honolulu should advise your honor to engage the Indians in your cause, who, we are informed, are not partial to the English.Still the Council was unsatisfied, and retained its suspicions.He was quite overjoyed air prague tickets honolulu in its reception.The danger roused the spirit of patriotism.In violation of air prague tickets honolulu his oath he issued a treasonable proclamation, in which he said, You are called upon to abjure the iniquitous government of Peter Stuyvesant over the inhabitants residing on Long Island.