C below.Let us at year end go and see what they are hoisting.But what most attracted Rollo's attention was, that the spaces between the piers all along the Tunnel were occupied with little shops, each one having a man, a woman, or a child to attend it.The party walked about in the various at year end buildings, and courts, and streets of the Tower for nearly two hours and then, bidding the yeoman good by, they all went away.So Rollo hastened forward, Mr.Suppose at year end it is coffee, for instance.They then rose and began rambling about here and there, to watch the various operations that were going on.One of these parties, at year end Rollo found, had a very convenient way of getting ale to drink with their dinner.Nearly every where you meet stacks of cork, or yellow bins of sulphur, or lead colored copper ore.George resumed his reading as follows 'As you enter this warehouse the flooring is sticky, as if it had been newly tarred, with the sugar that at year end has leaked through the casks ' We won't go there, said Rollo, interrupting.So Mr.when he was a boy and at year end I suppose that he and his playmates often fired them.The persons whom they talked with all looked up with an expression of great animation and pleasure in their countenances when they learned that their visitors were Americans, and seemed much gratified to see them.