They cooked their supper early in the evening, and wrapped in their blankets, threw themselves on the grass for sleep.He was now apparently at the mercy of the Indian, who had already with camden county parks sinewy arm, drawn an arrow to the feather to pierce the body of his foe.Having journeyed about four hundred miles without meeting any hostile encounter, they reached the Gila, a tributary of the lower Colorado.Carson writes Lieutenant Beale camden county parks went with me as bearer of dispatches, intended for the Navy Department.Thomas H.He took his position behind a rock and as soon as the two white men came within shooting distance, he let fly his arrows with camden county parks great force and rapidity.They then followed down the river some distance, to the well known camping grounds, The Buttes.The third day, he came suddenly camden county parks in view of a large encampment of Apache Indians.Fremont recognized him at once, from the description which her husband had given.Carson's Journey camden county parks to Washington.Carson now pressed on to Monterey, and delivered his dispatches to Colonel Mason.With the camden county parks utmost caution, Mr.Upon informing Mr.Carson was slightly stunned by camden county parks the fall, and the whole troop of horse galloped over him.The Dispatch Bearer.