Whether the one or the other of these explanations of its origin recommends itself to us as probable, it is interesting to note, as we leave the subject, that, so far as our present information goes, the realistic romance seems to have been the invention of Petronius.D course gmat study.These various theories of the origin of the romance of Petronius that it may be related to the epic, to the serious heroic romance, to the bourgeois story of adventure developed out of the rhetorical exercise, to the Milesian tale, to the prologue of comedy, to the verse mlange of comedy or the mime, or to the prose poetical Menippean satire are not, of necessity, it seems to me, mutually exclusive.Before trying to connect the Satirae with a serious romance of the type just mentioned, let us follow another line of course gmat study descent which leads us to the same objective point, viz.Like the agrarian bill of Tiberius, the corn law of Gaius Gracchus, which provided for the sale of grain below the market price, was a paternal measure inspired in part by sympathy for the needy.They appeared in prose, too, in narratives like the story of course gmat study Sinbad the Sailor, of a much later date.So far as this second theory is concerned, we may raise the question in passing whether we have any other instance of a genre of literature growing out of a school boy exercise.This whole episode, in fact, may be thought of course gmat study as a mime cast in the narrative form, and the same conception may be applied with great plausibility to the entire story of Encolpius.it seems good to us, as we look into the future, to us who are the fathers of the people, that justice intervene to settle matters impartially, in order that that which, long hoped for, humanity itself could not bring about may be secured for the common government of all by the remedies which our care affords.But the Greek novel has another course gmat study rather marked feature.The elder Seneca has preserved for us in his Controversiae specimens of the themes which were set for students in these schools.which, without regard for mankind, increases and develops by leaps and bounds, we will not course gmat study say from year to year, month to month, or day to day, but almost from hour to hour, and even from minute to minute, could be held in check by some regard for moderation, or if the welfare of the people could calmly tolerate this mad license from which, in a situation like this, it suffers in the worst possible fashion from day to day, some ground would appear, perhaps, for concealing the truth and saying nothing.